Zuren en basen

many things can cause a pcennagry test to give a false positive such as how soon you take it after sex, what time of day you take it and if you don't follow the instructions correctly. i suggest you wait until after you think your period SHOULD be though i know that's a little bit tricky with irregular periods (wait a few weeks but i wouldn't go as far as a month). Take the test in the morning right after you wake up as this is the best time of day to get an accurate result. Finally just follow all the directions on the box and you should get an accurate answer
many things can
cause a pcennagr
y test to give a
false positive s
uch as how soon
you take it afte
r sex, what time
of day you take
it and if you do
n't follow the i
nstructions corr
ectly. i suggest
you wait until a
fter you think y
our period SHOUL
D be though i kn
ow that's a litt
le bit tricky wi
th irregular per
iods (wait a few
weeks but i woul
dn't go as far a
s a month). Take
the test in the
morning right af
ter you wake up
as this is the b
est time of day
to get an accura
te result. Final
ly just follow a
ll the direction
s on the box and
you should get a
n accurate answe